3 years missing

We had a lovely lady turn up on our doorstep with a cat in a basket desperately asking for help for a cat that seemed unwell and very unkempt. She gave us a little back story of this cat that had been hanging around a chip shop in Chatham getting scraps and sleeping under some cardboard to stay dry and warm. This cat was friendly but a little skittish. She had seen the cat for approximately 4 years around the area and witnessed him slowly getting in a bad state as had a lot of other people in and around the area.

We checked him for a chip, he wasn’t chipped or neutered, so we took a photo then a live feed of him on our facebook group along side all the other stray animals we have in. Well today we get a comment and a call from someone who believed this cat to be theirs and he had been missing for 3 and a half years.

3 years missing

This little lad who was nicknamed Jake had a proper snotty nose, brown feet and looked like he had been in the wars with all the battle scars he had, he was so happy to be indoors after a long time on the streets. The owners came to look at him, he went crazy meowing at them and jumped down to get out of his pen to greet them (something he hadn’t done since we’ve had him in). We all had tears in our eyes when it had sunk in that this was their cat Batman that they had rescued from someone who had moved away previously and they didn’t get a chance to neuter him before he ran off in search of some girlfriends. The owners are now off to get a cat box and set up a room for him to take him back home.

What a beautiful reunion!!!!

We would like to thank all those people who have helped this little lad all these years by giving him scraps of food near the chip shop and to the lovely ladies who took it upon themselves to bring him to us before the weather got cold again.



Stay safe Batman ❤️



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